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Qingan County National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park Straw Comprehensive Utilization Project


In order to implement the "Several Opinions of the State Council on Deepening the Structural Reform of the Agricultural Supply Side and Accelerating the Cultivation of New Agricultural and Rural Development". At the end of March 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the "Notice Concerning the Establishment of a National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park". Deploy all over the country to create a national modern agricultural industrial park. The Qingan County People's Government compiled the application materials according to the notification requirements. After the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance organized the review, Qingan County's "Qingan Rice" was included in the first batch of establishment units of the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park.

In order to promote the structural reform of the agricultural supply side in Qingan County, Further integrate the functions of the “Qingan Rice” national modern agricultural industrial park, such as industrial integration, farmer-driven, technology integration, employment growth, etc. Accelerate the development and application of modern agricultural science and technology, promote the construction of low-carbon ecological urban and rural areas, and cultivate new kinetic energy for agricultural and rural development. The Qingan government entrusted the China Construction Shanghai Design Institute to formulate the "Construction Plan for the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Qingan County" in accordance with the concept of low-carbon ecology. To promote the development of green agriculture, low-carbon agriculture and circular agriculture, strengthen the use of renewable energy, and carry out pilot demonstrations of low-carbon eco-urban and green ecological parks. Efficiently develop and intensively use crop straw resources to improve rural production and living conditions, promote agricultural efficiency, and increase farmers' income. It is of great significance to develop a recycling economy, build a resource-saving society, and promote the construction of a new countryside.

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