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Opening a New Era of Asia-Pacific Energy Sharing

On September 20, 2018, the 4th Asia-Pacific Energy Sustainable Development Forum, which was organized by APEC Sustainable Energy Center (APSEC), was held in Tianjin. Mr. Yuan Yingjin, the Vice President of Tianjin University; Madam Zhao Baige, the Chair of the Expert Committee of the “Belt and Road” International Think-Tank under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS); Mr. Sun Xiansheng, Secretary General of the International Energy Forum (IEF); Ms. Zhu Xuantong, Deputy Director of General Affairs Division in Department of International Cooperation of NEA and more than 120 representatives from the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG), 11 APEC economists, independent experts and domestic government departments, universities, research institutions and enterprises attended the forum to explore energy sustainable development and international cooperation.

This annual event began with the establishment of APSEC 4 years ago. The guests spoke highly of its achievements.

Yuan Yingjin, Vice President of Tianjin University, confirmed APSEC’s recent achievements. He said, “Tianjin University attaches great importance to APSEC’s work. APSEC is a good platform to merge various relevant disciplinary knowledge.” He hoped that APSEC would keep improving the self-management capacity, provide advice for the National Energy Sustainable Development, cultivate outstanding talent with international vision, and build a comprehensive strength display platform in the APEC region and the world.

TJU Vice President Mr. Yuan Yingjin Gives Opening Remarks

Madam Zhao Baige, Chair of the Expert Committee of the “Belt and Road” International Think Tank under the CASS; the Chair of Advisory Committee of RDI, expressed: “APSEC, as the first international energy cooperation organization led by the Chinese government, has carried out research on two pillar programs which are APEC Cooperative Network on Sustainable Cities (CNSC) and APEC Clean Coal Technology Transfer (CCT) since its foundation. Also, APSEC set up an international platform for knowledge sharing, policy dialogue and business cooperation, and achieved fruitful work for sustainable cities and energy cooperation in APEC region and the world.” In order to implement the important national work deployment in depth, the Advisory Committee of RDI will carry out pragmatic cooperation with APSEC to solidly promote joint work in various aspects, such as construction planning, technology transfer, an international forum etc.

Madam Zhao Baige Gives Opening Remarks

On behalf of the National Energy Administration, Ms. Zhu Xuantong extended her warm welcome to the guests and pointed out: "The National Energy Administration attaches great importance to the development of APSEC. During these four years, APSEC adhered to the principle of "Chinese-led, based on Asia-Pacific, facing the world” and made many valuable contributions to building consensus, promoting cooperation, and promoting the building of a future community of Asia-Pacific, etc..” She hopes that APSEC will continue to serve as secretariat of “Network of Chinese Participation in APEC Energy Cooperation” to integrate domestic technologies and achievements and share Chinese experience with the world. Meanwhile, APSEC will further expand resource channels, shape brand effects, consolidate and enhance international influence, continuously strengthen research on major issues, form core results, and play an important role in the APEC energy platform and even the international energy arena.

Ms. Zhu Xuantong Gives Opening Remarks

A workshop on Low-carbon Energy Systems of Sustainable Cities was held in the forum. During the workshop, Towards Sustainable Cities – APEC Cases and China Practices and APEC Sustainable Cities Development Annual Report in 2017 was released. The report summarizes how APEC has tried to construct sustainable cities and some excellent practices carried out in China. It intends to share the "Chinese experience" with the "Chinese story" to APEC regions and the world.

Workshop on Low-carbon Energy Systems of Sustainable Cities

Another achievement of the forum was the establishment of the “APEC Clean Coal Technology Transfer Program Joint Operation Center” and the “APSEC International Training Base- State Gird Customer Service Center”. The Joint Operation Center was established by APSEC and CHN ENERGY with the support of the National Energy Administration, aiming to publicize and promote the clean coal technology in China, while the training base will be geared to APEC to undertake project exchanges and technical training.

Experts in the field of energy technology exchanged ideas during the forum. Prof. Michael Graetzel, the Academician of the German Academy of Science introduced his research fields to the guests and highlighted the operation principle of the new solar cell and its application in the emergency field.

  Prof. Michael Graetzel

Prof. Nedjib Djilali, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering from the University of Victoria proposed comprehensive solutions for the construction of infrastructure in the energy sector by reducing the consumption of water, energy and land, and facilitating the government to formulate long-term investment policies in the energy sector.

Prof. Nedjib Djilali

Prof. Yu Yixin, the Academician of the China Engineering Academy from Tianjin University introduced the application prospects of smart grids based on China’s economic growth and non-fossil fuel utilization targets proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2015. Prof. Yu pointed out that smart grid was an effective solution to improve energy efficiency and will be widely used in solar energy and wind energy in the future. Tianjin University will strengthen cooperation research on smart grids with research institutes and engineering institutes in other countries.

Sun Xiansheng, the Secretary General of the International Energy Forum (IEF) introduced the work of IEF in the field of energy international cooperation. He said: "IEF aims to build a platform for both energy supply and demand, share national energy policies with institutions in different countries and contribute to stabilizing the energy market.”

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