
Sustainable Urban Development in APEC under the SDGs



Course code: S2068064  

Course name: Sustainable Urban Development in APEC under the SDGs

Period/ Credit: 2

Teaching hours: 32 lectures

Applicable major: Students enrolled in the master and doctor program of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning

Teaching school: School of Architecture

Teaching team: Prof. Steivan Defilla, Assistant Dr. Yan Zhexing

Course Introduction:

This course aims at giving tomorrow’s urban planners and leaders theoretical concepts and practical tools to improve urban sustainability as defined by the international community in the SDGs. Cities face major sustainability challenges. Tomorrow’s urban planners are at the heart of managing the transition towards sustainable local communities. SDGs and the related global frameworks included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development represent an innovative global goal-oriented development paradigm but are still rarely present in University curricula. Demand for SDG knowledgeable urban planners is high as cities are directly concerned by SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities). The cities’ infrastructure can contribute towards attaining almost any other national SDG. The student will understand that the essential aspect of SDGs is to integrate them into other fields of activities. The course broadens the horizon of students by giving them a genuinely global and holistic perspective of urban development. 



1. Knowledge of the SDGs, SDG indicators and associated instruments (Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030; UN Disaster Resilience Scorecard for cities; UN-Habitat principles for sustainable neighborhood planning; principles of transport-oriented development TOD and land value capture LVC) and their application in urban planning

2. Understanding of scientific concepts supporting sustainability, in particular physical systems (sustainability as the conquest of time), biological systems (sustainability as homeostasis), and economics (sustainable development as a game)

3. A complete English learning atmosphere is created as follows:

The teaching material is in English, the teacher is English speaker

The contributions from students give them the possibility to express themselves in English

The project assignments are made in English

The innovative elements of the course consist of inviting the students to join workshops of the Cooperative Network of Sustainable Cities CNSC as volunteers, and to participate in discussions with high-level specialists of global outreach. Furthermore, students may be put in contact with APEC cities for contributing to the information collection for the worldwide first urban SDG tracker which is being set up for the CNSC within APEC Sustainable Energy Center hosted in the School of Architecture.

4. Students are coached for publishing their reports in scientific journals, or for submitting their designs to international competitions.



The course is composed of 8 parts:

(1)Urbanization trends, prospects and growth drivers of cities

(2)Sustainability deficits of cities in the Asia-Pacific region

(3)Policy responses by UN, APEC, EU and cities (including new Indonesian capital city)

(4)Scientific concepts supporting sustainability (including TOD and LVC)

(5)Measurement systems supporting sustainability  

(6)Planning Tools and ICT in support of sustainability  

(7)International technical standards for sustainability  

(8)Technologies supporting sustainability  


  Teaching method:

(1) Lectures presented by PPT.

(2) A small individual project and a main individual or group project to be presented during the course.

(3) A software developed by the professor for measuring and comparing different forms of sustainability.



The assessment of the course is based upon the following elements:

(1) Presence (in class or online): 20%

(2) Small individual project: 30%

(3) Main individual or group project (either pure text, or design and accompanying text): 50%



1. APEC Sustainable Urban Development Report – from Models to Results, APEC Secretariat, Singapore (2019), https://www.apec.org/Publications/2019/04/APEC-Sustainable-Urban-Development-Report---From-Models-to-Results, and successor reports to be published by APEC

2. UN Global Indicator Framework for SDGs and targets after 2020 refinement, United Nations Statistics Division (2020), https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/indicators-list/, and SDG Metadata, United Nations Statistics Division, https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/metadata/ 

3. Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities Detailed Assessment, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2017), https://www.unisdr.org/campaign/resilientcities/toolkit/article/disaster-resilience-scorecard-for-cities   

4. China Sustainable Cities Report 2016: Measuring Ecological Input and Human Development, UNDP (2016), https://www.cn.undp.org/content/china/en/home/library/democratic_governance/china-sustainable-cities-report-2016--measuring-ecological-input.html  

5. Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030, Hong Kong Environment Bureau (2017), https://www.climateready.gov.hk/  

6. Salat/Ollivier: Transforming the Urban Space through Transit Oriented Development – the 3V Approach, World Bank (2017), https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/26405   

7. Partnerships for the Sustainable Development of Cities in the APEC Region, APEC Secretariat (2017) https://www.apec.org/Publications/2017/06/Partnerships-for-the-Sustainable-Development-of-Cities-in-the-APEC-Region 

8. IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2020, International Energy Agency (2020) https://www.iea.org/reports/key-world-energy-statistics-2020 

9. Global Protocol for Community Scale GHG Emission Inventories, WRI/C40/ICLEI (2014), https://ghgprotocol.org/sites/default/files/standards/GHGP_GPC_0.pdf 

10. A New Strategy of Sustainable Neighbourhood Planning: Five Principles, UN Habitat (2015) https://unhabitat.org/a-new-strategy-of-sustainable-neighbourhood-planning-five-principles 

11. The eight following ISO Standards that can be borrowed from the APEC Sustainable Energy Center of the School of Architecture:

ISO 37101:2016 Sustainable development in communities – management system for sustainable development – requirements with guidance for use

ISO 37106:2018 Sustainable cities and communities – guidance on establishing smart city operating models for sustainable communities

ISO 37120:2018 Sustainable cities and communities – indicators for city services and quality of life

ISO 37122:2019 Sustainable cities and communities – indicators for smart cities

ISO 37123:2019 Sustainable cities and communities – indicators for resilient cities

ISO/TS 37151:2015 Smart community infrastructures – principles and requirements for performance metrics

ISO/TR 52000-1:2017 Energy performance of buildings – overarching EPB assessment part 1

ISO/TR 52000-2:2017 Energy performance of buildings – overarching EPB assessment part 2

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